Sunday 10 August 2008

Gone Too Soon

Well I had a horrible feeling this was going to happen. After the rumor of his death spread last week, something just didn’t sit right. His publicist said he would be released from the hospital soon, but it was not meant to be. Bernie Mac was 50 years old and contributed an endless supply of hysterical performances to the world. My three favorites in no order are House Party 3, Life, and Bad Santa.

He reached the mountain top as a comic–performing in a blockbuster performance movie (The Original Kings of Comedy) and landing a hit series with his name in the title. He also costarred in blockbusters like the Ocean’s 11 series and Charlie’s Angels He hustled his way from the streets of Chicago to the top of the comedy world. He will be dearly missed.

What were your favorite Bernie Mac moments?

This is one of mine….

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