Sunday 10 August 2008

Some Blueprint 3 News…

Before I wrap it up tonight and catch up on some Sportscenter I wanted to hit ya’ll off with some interesting info Mick Boogie posted today regarding Jay-Z’s Blueprint 3.

  • Kanye will indeed be producing most, if not all, of the album. Remember back in the day when an artist would do a whole album with one producer for cohesiveness? Think classic Snoop or Jeru with Primo… and fast forward it to 2008.
  • Jay will be leaking the finished version of Jockin’ as soon as he adds a new 3rd verse to the song.
  • Tracks to look for include the aforementioned Jockin’ Jay-Z and a new track entitled Victory that the rumor mill says is simply amazing.

Wow. A Hov album, entirely produced by Kanye could be ridiculous. And, I need that Full/CDQ of Jockin’ Jay-z/Dope Boy Fresh now!

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